Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

30146 - Human Resources Management

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
30146 - Human Resources Management
Faculty / School:
179 - Centro Universitario de la Defensa - Zaragoza
457 - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Organisational Engineering
563 - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Organisational Engineering
First semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process that has been designed for this subject is based on:


• Theoretical development of the subject by the teacher in expository sessions. It will seek the maximum participation of the student.

• Learning activities that will promote the practical application of the contents. This can verify the achievement of the objectives.

• Execution of small work, resolution of problems and realization of practical cases.


5.2. Learning tasks

The subject includes face-to-face and non-face-to-face activities:

The face-to-face tasks:

Type 1: Master class.

Type 2: Problem solving, cases, practices and questionnaires.

Type 3: Tutorials and/or reinforcement classes in groups.

EV: Theoretical-practical tests and final exam.


The non-face-to-face activities will be the following:

Type 1: Study and review of the recommended bibliography.

Type 2: Resolution of problems, cases and works.

EV: Specific preparation of different evaluation tests and final exam.

5.3. Syllabus

PART I. Intraorganizational behavior and its management implications

UNIT 1. Human resources management

UNIT 2. Human resources planning


PART II. Functions of human resources management

UNIT 3. Analysis, description and valuation of jobs

UNIT 4. Function of employment. Additive processes

UNIT 5. Function of employment. Subtractive processes

UNIT 6: Evaluation and management of job performance

UNIT 7: Professional development: training and career

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Calendar of face-to-face sessions and presentation of works will be announced by the teacher. The announcement will be made by the teacher in class and through the Moodle platform.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

ALBIZU, E. y LANDEA, J. (Coords). Dirección estratégica de los recursos humanos. Teoría y práctica. Pirámide. Madrid. 2001.

CHIAVENATO, I. Introducción a la teoría general de la administración, 3ª Edición revisada. McGraw-Hill. Bogotá. 1992.

CLAVER, E; GASCÓ, J. y LLOPIS, J. Los recursos humanos en la empresa: un enfoque directivo. Civitas. Madrid. 1995.

DE LA CALLE, M.C. y ORTIZ, M. Fundamentos de recursos humanos. Segunda edición. Pearson. Madrid. 2014.

DOLAN, S.; VALLE CABRERA, R.; JACKSON, S.E.; y SCHULER, R. La gestión de los recursos humanos. Cómo atraer, retener y desarrollar con éxito el capital humano en tiempos de transformación. Mc Graw Hill. Madrid. 2007.

GARCÍA TENORIO, J. y SABATER, R. (Coords). Fundamentos de dirección y gestión de recursos humanos. Thomson. Madrid. 2004.

GÓMEZ-MEJÍA, L. Gestión de los RRHH. Pearson-Prentice Hall. Madrid. 2005.

GÓMEZ-MEJÍA, L.; BALKIN, D. y CARDY, R. Dirección y gestión de recursos humanos. Tercera edición. Pearson-Prentice Hall. Madrid. 2004.

HERRERA GÓMEZ, J. Dirección de recursos humanos. Un enfoque de administración de empresas. ACDE Eds. Valencia. 2001.

HUSELID, M; JACKSON, S; SCHULER, R. “Technical and strategic human resource management effectiveness as determinants of firm performance”, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 40, pp. 171-188. 1997.

LESTER THUROW. La guerra del siglo XXI. Javier Vergara Editor, S.A. Buenos Aires. 1990.

PORRET, M. Dirección y gestión de los recursos humanos en las organizaciones. Ediciones Gráficas Rey, S.L. Barcelona. 2005.

PUCHOL, L. Dirección y gestión de recursos humanos. Díaz de Santos. Madrid. 2005.

VALERO, J.A. (Director). Casos prácticos de recursos humanos y relaciones laborales. Pirámide. Madrid. 2010.